Organic cilantro extract

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  • Certified organic
  • Pharmaceuticalquality
  • to apply during detoxification and drainage treatments
  • Certified organic & monitored:

Our organic cilantro extract extract is continuously monitored and certified by the German ecological inspection board ABCERT (DE-ÖKO-006).

Our herbal extracts are striclty processed using plants that are certified to have been grown either organically or in the wild.
The German pharmaceutical company which then further processes our herbal extracts must also comply with the of EU Organic Regulation’s demanding criteria.
Finally, our production process uses bio-alcohol to ensure a gentle extraction of the requisite plant parts.

  • Organic cilantro extract:

It is preferable to use coriander extract and wild garlic extract along with Chlorella algae during detoxification and drainage treatments.

  • Delivery, best before date:

All our shipments are of course protected against sunlight to ensure that no valuable nutrients are lost.

Shelf-life: 2 years if protected against sunlight

  • General information about cilantro:

The real cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) is an annual herb belonging to the carrot family (Apiaceae).

Other common names are coriander, Chinese parsley or dhania.
Cilantro contains essential oils. The seeds contain linalool, geraniol, α - and β -pinene, limonene, geranyl acetate, α - and γ -terpinene and borneol. The first two oils in particular give the seeds a pleasant smell after the drying process has been applied.
Cilantro has been used in herbal medicine as far back as ancient Egypt. The Egyptians most likely came to know cilantro thanks to Arab traders who spread the use of the plant throughout the ancient world.
Given the high concentration of essential oils contained in cilantro, in ancient times it was most notably used for stomach upsets, skin irritations, and headaches.
The fact that traces of cilantro were found in Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s tomb attests to the great importance of cilantro back then.

  • Organic certified by ABCERT (DE-Öko-006)
  • Alcohol (24%)
  • without dyes
  • without sweeteners
  • without flavors
  • without preservatives
  • Gelatin free
  • Yeast free
  • Lactose free
  • from natural ingredients
  • suitable for vegetarians and vegans
  • Shelf-life: 2.5 years
  • Nutrients:

         Energy:            565 kJ / 137 kcal / 100 ml

         Protein:              0,1 g / 100 ml

         Carbohydrates:   0,4 g / 100 ml

         Fat:                       0 g / 100 ml

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