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Wild heather honey from the deepest forests of Latvia

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* incl. tax, plus shipping
  • Natural wild heather honey
  • Pressed and unfiltered
  • High pollen content
  • Highly aromatic taste

Pressed heather honey is one of the most natural ways to enjoy honey.

Due to its jelly-like consistency, heather honey cannot be extracted from the combs in the conventional way, as is the case with other honeys. Therefore, it is squeezed, as was customary in ancient times.

On the one hand, this means more work for the beekeeper. On the other hand, it gives him an excellent honey with an incomparable taste.

Pressed heather honey has a significantly higher pollen and perga content than other honeys and naturally also contains tiny wax and propolis particles.

This gives our heather honey a subtle sour note which, combined with fruity-sweet aromas and a light scent of fresh beeswax, invites connoisseurs to pure enjoyment.

Heather with bee

Honeycomb with bees

Bee on heather

Spooned straight from the jar, it melts in your mouth and it's hard to put the jar down.

Our heather honey comes from the deep and pristine pine forests of Latvia, which give it its unique flavor.

Here in the seclusion, busy honey bees collect the sweet aromatic nectar of the heather day in and day out.

You probably can't imagine a better place to work. :)

With our heather honey you can enjoy a piece of original nature, which is only preserved in a few parts of Europe.

Heather in the pine forest


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Wahrlich der beste Honig weit und breit. Geschmack besser sogar als Manuka oder mindestens auf gleichem Niveau. Wirkung ebenfalls mächtig! Hat 1 Woche gehalten. Jetzt bestell ich direkt 3 Stück.
Der Honig ist schon wirklich super lecker, aber auch nicht billig. Trotzdem lohnt es sich, diesen Honig mal zu probieren.
Habe noch nie einen so leckeren Honig probiert. Werde ich definitiv nochmal bestellen!
Das ist wahrscheinlich der schmackhafteste Honig, den ich im Leben probiert habe. Man lernt nie aus.
Sehr leckerer Geschmack, hier merkt man direkt die tolle Qualität. Werde direkt ein paar mehr bestellen und zu Weihnachten verschenken :-)