Antibiotic oxymel- magic potion from vinegar & honey

Preparation time: 30 minutes - Difficulty: easy

- 200 ml organic apple cider vinegar
- 250 g acacia honey
- 200 ml water
- 25 g fresh thyme or 10 g dried
- 25 g fresh rosemary or 10 g dried
- 1 bulb fresh garlic

Oxymel- magic potion of vinegar, honey, thyme and rosemary


Mix apple cider vinegar, honey, water in a pot and boil briefly.

Press the garlic and add to the oxymel with the herbs.

Cover with a clean cloth and let it simmer for 30 minutes at low heat - it must not boil anymore!

Then let it cool down, pour it through a fine sieve and pour the collected liquid into a bottle with a screw cap and put it in a cool place.

The Oxymel is immediately usable, for prevention 1x daily 1 tbsp- acute to 5 x daily 1 tbsp- shake liquid well before use.